Angry Birds 12-11 “Shrinking Towers”


12-11 4 birds

Aim first yellow bird at third hollow square from the bottom.  Try to score 30,000+ points from breakup of main tower.

Aim second yellow bird at top projection of second tower.

Arc third green bird and boomerang back to hit pig in third tower (I missed in published version)

Aim fourth white bird to clear any remaining pigs and debris.

(There was mention in a comments section of a way to do this level with two birds. Aim higher on tower with first bird which would split tower, and clean up with second yellow bird.  Wasn’t able to do it)

Score: 82,090
*Rank: 21

Some High Score Targets:

3 Stars:       73,000
*Top 150:    76,260
*Top 100:    77,500
*Top 10:      83,170

*Top scores in Massachusetts in April, 2011 according to Crystal (a former feature of the Mobile App).


  One Response to “Angry Birds 12-11 “Shrinking Towers””

  1. tip: second shot aim for the neck of the second highest camel..if you get angle right you will cut off camels head then hit the two pigs to the immediate right and the final one will roll off…this just leaves you that second camel pig to get with boomerang bird. The joy is your previous shot cleared a path for it!

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